
Big News for the 2018-19 School Year! Halifax Early Childhood School will be offering both half-day and full-day preschool programs. Same great program and teachers - now with more flexibility for modern families. Contact us now to register or to book a tour. Space for our full-day program is limited!

Junior Play Program

For 2 and 3 year olds

(Age 3 as of December 31st; 2 year 9 month olds can join at any point during the school year)*

This is a play-based program that introduces children to group activities and cooperative play. A short group time is offered every day. We exercise, read a story, play games, sing songs and participate in open-ended art activities.

Choice of attendance is:

Monday through Friday
Half day - 9am to 12noon
Full day - 8:15am to 5:15pm

Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Half day - 9am to 12noon
Full day - 8:15am to 5:15pm

Tuesday & Thursday
Half day - 9am to 12noon
Full day - 8:15am to 5:15pm

** Morning Drop-Off Begins at 8:15am

Senior Preschool Program

For 4 and 5 year olds

(Age 4 as of December 31st)

Emphasis is on Primary readiness. This includes the development of listening and speaking skills. We encourage social interaction and a caring attitude. Group time includes stories, poems, games and songs as well as simple math and science activities.

Choice of attendance is:

Monday through Friday
Half day - 9am to 12noon
Full day - 8:15am to 5:15pm

Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Half day - 9am to 12noon
Full day - 8:15am to 5:15pm

Tuesday & Thursday
Half day - 9am to 12:00noon
Full day - 8:15am to 5:15pm

** Morning Drop-Off Begins at 8:15am


block play and other large motor activities, sand and water play, and dramatic play.  Also included are manipulative activities – duplo, small building blocks, table-top activities, play dough, painting and cutting.  Designated quiet areas are available for games or independent craft creations.  Library and listening centre includes a large and varied selection of books and audio stories.

GROUP - open-ended creative activities, discussing the theme, story, and puzzle time. Painting, drawing, gluing, learning games such as matching, counting, what’s missing, exploring and discovery.

physical activities, music, finger play and action songs, drama, yoga, puppets and poems.

a daily snack, served mid-morning, consisting of items from three food groups, including dairy, vegetable or fruit, and grains.

OUTDOOR PLAY - every day, weather permitting.

Program Special Events

Our program includes a visit from both the Halifax Regional Police and Fire Department with safety programs, doctor, dental, recycling and pet care programs, yoga, and an introduction to various cultural celebrations. Parents with special interests or talents are welcome to come and share their ideas with us. We have a music specialist for several weeks during the winter months. We participate in a variety of special events and outings including: the Art Galley, the Discovery Centre, Point Pleasant Park, Dartmouth Ferry, community walk, train station, and Cornwallis Park.


* NEW FOR THE 2015-16 SCHOOL YEAR!! Children aged 2 years 9 months are eligible to join at any point during the school year - contact the school for more details.

** NEW FOR THE 2014-15 SCHOOL YEAR!! Morning Drop-Off Begins at 8:15am